Thursday, February 16, 2006

I'm not so sure about this, but here goes....

I’m not so sure about this blogging thing. I enjoy reading them, and yeah, I have all these random thoughts and heretical musings that I need to get off my chest. After all, walking around muttering them to myself is giving me somewhat of a seedy reputation. But blogging?

Not only does blogging seem far too trendy for me, there’s also this “oh my god, I just expressed a personal opinion” thing going on. I was a news reporter for better than a decade, and while I was never God’s gift to journalism, I did try (and mostly succeed) in keeping my personal opinions and biases out of my work. And the best training for that is to just KEEP YOUR PERSONAL OPINIONS PERSONAL. If you KNOW someone’s opinions, then you can and probably will read them into anything that person produces as a reporter. But keep ‘em to yourself, and try your best to approach every subject as objectively as possible, and most people would be hard-pressed to discern your personal opinion from your work. I always thought that’s what reporters were SUPPOSED to do…as opposed to journalists, who seem to pride themselves on interjecting their supposedly superior knowledge into any subject by “interpreting” it for their listener/reader. And yeah, I know that was one helluva run-on sentence, but at least blogs don’t have editors!

Anyway, that’s all my long-winded way of saying that writing my opinions down and posting them on the web is gonna be difficult. But then again, I guess that’s what I just did….and it didn’t hurt a bit. At least, it didn’t hurt to write it. Reading it could be another matter, but hey, if you don’t like it, just click yourself to somewhere else on the web and ignore my ramblings


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